Which is better: Reformer or Mat Pilates?

What Is The Difference Between Reformer Pilates Classes And Mat Pilates Classes? 

So you’ve decided to take up Pilates classes, and the first thing you’ve done is to view the schedule of classes on offer at IV Pilates - Great call 😎

If you’re like most others, two options will jump out at you: you’re thinking you either want take a Matt Pilates class or a Reformer Pilates class.

But what is the difference between the two? What is a “Reformer”? And which one should you be attending to kick off your Pilates journey?

To answer this question, you’ll first need to understand what the goal of each type of Pilates is.

Why Reformer Pilates?

Reformer Pilates takes place on that large, likely slightly confusing machine you see in most Pilates studios or physio offices. Well, that machine is what we call a Reformer and boy does it allow for one heck of a workout.

With a Reformer class, you use gravity, the machine’s straps and its pulley handles for a low impact but high resistance training session. The resistance here can be made easier or harder using the machine’s springs. This form of movement tends to be more challenging and requires more concentration, and the focus is on how your body enables the machine to move in a precise way. Pilates on the Reformer exponentially multiplies the breadth, depth and sheer volume of exercises you can accomplish to enrich and optimise your Pilates fitness.

Ready to jump into one of our Reformer Pilates? Then let’s make it official by visiting our booking page.

Why Mat Pilates?

Mat Pilates only requires two things – you and your mat. It relies on your body’s weight instead of any props or pieces of equipment. You might think this sounds like a standard aerobic session – but rest assured, it isn’t! Each movement you execute is carefully controlled and adjusted by your instructor, and you will likely do more holding of positions than actual actions. 

You’ll complete various sets of these movements targeting different muscles in the body, with the aim to hold a position correctly and for a prolonged period of time. It requires careful consideration and concentration for each move, as you focus on lengthening and activating the muscles in use. In our Mat Pilates, you’ll also learn to control your breathing throughout each part of adopting a pose.

Sound like the class for you? Say no more. Simply visit our Book a Class page for your preferred time and let’s get you started!


So Which Is Better?

When it comes to Mat and Reformer Pilates both offer different levels of challenge and complexity however one may suit you better than the other. Those just starting on their Pilates journey can begin with Matwork or Reformer as both introduce you to the principles of Pilates, what’s involved and are both overall simple to learn and perform. Reformer Pilates classes offer greater returns in shorter timeframes and will help you target specific muscles in a more inspiring workout, producing improved and desired results and in a fun yet challenging format.

Still not sure which option would suit you best? Every person is unique, which is why you can and should call to consult before you get going. We will be able to recommend the best combination of classes for you based on your unique fitness goals.

So call us today on 0411084528 or contact us here.

Tamsin Meekel