How can Pilates help your running?

If you’re a runner, here are some tips on how pilates can improve your running technique.

A good running technique comes from a strong core. When you see a sprinter running at the olympics their technique is beautiful, their bodies hardly move. Everything is nice and stable, their hips don’t rock from side to side - they are very strong through their core - this is the basis to generate power from your running, and also being able to run longer distances without injuring your self.

The main areas that will help with your core stability are you abdominal muscles which you work a lot on in pilates: your TA and your obliques. Those two muscles help keep your body nice and still so that you are able to generate power from your legs and also keeps your pelvis still and stops it from rocking.

The main area that helps your running from a core stability perspective are you buttock muscles. there are lots of different buttock muscles: your big buttock muscles at the back which generate your power & running speed; and the muscles at the side of your buttocks help with stability.

A lot of people love running but are unable to run for extended periods of time without feeling things like “shin Splints” or hip pain, knee pain or back pain, due to their buttock muscles not being strong enough - those muscles are not stabilising their pelvis very well. Pilates helps train all the buttock muscles which some conventional strength exercises may miss. Strengthening your gluten will really help with your running technique, giving you more power and stability to run further without future injuries.

Tamsin Meekel