You blew your Daily Macro Count: Now what?

You Blew Through Your Daily Macro Budget: What Now?

Do NOT dispare. Llasting changes start by developing small, sustainable habits that turn into a lifestyle. Like sipping on water throughout the day, exercising, cooking more at home, and so on…

Life happens– it’s natural for slip-ups to happen on our quest to lose weight and improve our dietary habits (especially if you are trying to stick in the green with tracking macros on our app)

On the days you overeat, or consume too much alcohol; one of the worst things you can do is give up. Here are a few tips on what to do if you find yourself in the middle of the day with zero “calories” left to enjoy for that day…



If you find yourself effortlessly reaching the end of what macros fit your routine, chances are you’re likely not consuming enough fruits and veggies. That’s the bottom line.

Make sure every meal or snack you consume manages to get in at least one fruit or veggie… which are generally high in fiber and low on calories, helping you keep your blood sugar stable.

This goes a long way to keep those cravings at bay.


One meal (or one day) of overeating will not impact your progress. It’s when that “one day” becomes a patter of a week, a month, a year. Instead of letting Debbie get you down, start by making the next meal better; add a few nutrient-dense foods into your next meal.


Yes, you slipped up. What’s next? Debbie Downer will take over - NO!!!
Refocus. What is the reason you’ve set your goals in the first place? Are you training to look amazing or are you training for a marathon? Do you want to just be healthy while you chase your grandkids around?

Remind yourself that your journey will be filled with peaks and valleys… so keeping a positive attitude is key.



You can’t just promise yourself “this will never happen again” and call it a day… it probably will happen again. And first things first, THAT’s OK!!! There’s always going to be that day where you take that extra piece of cake or slice of pizza.

But blowing through your macro budget doesn’t really say anything about you and who you are as a person – that’s why it should not dictate you and your emotions or allow you to shame yourself. Don’t punish yourself if you feel bad about overeating.

It’s not the overeating that will keep you from progressing as much as the negative thoughts and must then be fueled by more comfort food. Don’t go down that spiral.

Tamsin Meekel