10 easy ways to eat a bit more healthy

We could all do to be a little healthier, but often it’s a case of too much to do and too little time. Here are some of our easiest ways to be healthier without really trying:

1. Eat slowly. Chew your food well and eat slowly. A handy trick is to put your knife and fork down between mouthfuls and not to pick it up again until you’ve completely finished your mouthful. We promise you’ll enjoy your food more and almost certainly eat a little less.

2. Exercise portion control. Serve yourself a reasonable portion. Eat it (slowly of course). If you’re still hungry 20 mins later, have a little more.

3. Eat everything you like, but do it in moderation. Denying yourself completely is a one way street to Bingeville.

4. Do at least one ‘swap’ a day. Swap your 2nd coffee for a herbal tea, swap the lift for the stairs, swap a sweet treat for a piece of fruit.

5. Drink warm or hot water with lemon first thing in the morning (at least 30 mins before breakfast). Everyone bangs on about this a bit, but it’s a great way to kick start your metabolism and the body’s natural rejuvenation mechanisms.

6. Drink more water throughout the day. Try sipping hot water (great during winter) or add some chlorophyll (aka liquid sunshine).

7. Go Meatless on Mondays (or any day of the week). Go vego one day a week. It’s good for you and you’ll no doubt surprise yourself by how much you enjoy it and how flavoursome it can be.

8. Up your nutrient intake with a fresh juice, smoothie or soup each day. If you don’t have a blender or a juicer, invest in one and try your hand at creating smoothie recipes. You’ll be amazed at how many veggies you can pack in with a little bit of fruit.

9. Eat when you’re hungry. Don’t eat if you’re not. So beautifully simple.

10. Listen to what your body really wants. Often you’ll find that while you immediately think you want a biscuit or cake with your 3pm coffee, your body would actually love some yoghurt (good fat and protein to boot). Or instead of a bacon and egg roll, perhaps bircher muesli. It happens.

All pretty simple stuff really. If it’s too much to attack all at once, then pick three things and make those changes. Easy!

What about you? Any super simple “be healthier wiithout effort” tips?

Tamsin Meekel